The Moderate Vegan

An Ode to Scrambled Tofu
July 13, 2010, 12:02 am
Filed under: Attempts at Cooking, Veggie-saur

Oh scrambled tofu. How I love thee.

I was hesitant, yes,

But you won me over with your deliciousness & speedy preparation.

Saut̩ed onions, garlic Рperhaps some beans?

Why yes. Thank you for asking.

Browning in the pan, your egg-y texture reminiscent of breakfasts past.

Even the carnivores would appreciate you –

If you were coy, and averted their questions surreptitiously.

A dollop of salsa.

A sprinkle of sheese.

Tasty tasty bowl of sustenance.

Seitan Attempt Numero Uno
July 4, 2010, 11:19 pm
Filed under: Attempts at Cooking

Tonight I tried my hand at making homemade seitan (pronounced say-tan).

For those of you that have not yet joined the veggie bandwagon, seitan is substance with a meaty texture that is made primarily from vital wheat gluten. The “meat of wheat” as it were.

In the veggie world there are several main categories of faux meat or “meat replacement” substances. All of these meat-less meats have one thing in common, depending on how they are processed and/or prepared, they have the potential to be wonderfully delicious or spectacularly disgusting.

Now I know from personal experience that seitan can be delicious – a worthy meat substitute – wheat gluten in the believable guise of meaty deliciousness.

However, I have to report that my first seitan creation experiment produced a substance that………. Well………….. Eeeeewwww……

I am not even sure if what I created would fall into the category of “food.” It was sort of poster putty meats (ha ha) old chewed up gum covered in boogers.

Not good.

But I am undeterred in my quest. I have spent the evening doing more internet research, and feel that I am now equipped with the knowledge necessary to try again.

We shall see what comes of this endeavor.

I will keep you posted.